Saturday, February 1, 2014


Let’s face it. We all do it and a lot of it. Tweeting. Liking. Updating. Sharing.  Social media has gone from a fun distraction to a daily “must-check” and “must have” tool that businesses use to increase awareness, garner positive publicity, share daily happenings and to, frankly, stay relevant.And though businesses use social media for their own purposes, the truth is, we as individuals are pretty plugged in too. Social networking (in all its avenues) now accounts for one out of every six minutes spent online.  Considering the average time a person spends on a non-social site is less than one minute, it is increasingly apparent that social media is a big influence on our lives and, in turn, in the lives of those around us.In life, we all have our circle of friends.  Those we keep around us tend to be positive and uplifting (and if they’re not, they should be) who we turn to for support, come together with to  share a laugh, unite with over a common cause and just simply enjoy having around us.  There is just as much talk about social media circles. And just as in “real life,” it’s best when those in our social media circles are just as optimistic and just as encouraging as our non-virtual friends.Think about it. Would you allow negative and pessimistic people to hang out with you or constantly fill your days (or timeline) with woe? Of course not! It is important to choose wisely who you associate with, as well as how you associate with them on social media.  Knowing this is true from personal experience, I compiled my top four tips on building the perfect network in social media and thought you might like to see it!

1. Fill Your Networks with Positive People!As the quote says, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” So choose wisely and stay away from people with bad energy. If they show you who they are—and it’s not uplifting for you and in return, your business—believe them and adopt a zero tolerance attitude towards their negativity.

2. Regularly Evaluate Your "Friends" in Your Networks!“False friends are worse than bitter enemies.” The truth of the matter is that not everyone who proclaims to be your friend is really your friend. People, teammates and situations change, so out with the old and in with the new! Consider removing those who are not a positive partner supporting your business goals.

3. Stay Positive – Be Polite – Be Respectful!Be the person you are trying to attract. Birds of a feather often flock together, so surround yourself with those who are like you and vice-versa.

4. Be You!This is probably the most import word of advice I can offer. Bottom line, people like you because of who you are. Showcase your life of fun, freedom, fulfillment and overall well-being to attract like-minded people!

It’s pretty simple when you think about it, right? Surround yourself with like-minded people who have similar goals and together you will go far in life

Ahiezer Soto

P.S: if you have ever been interested in traveling the world with like minded business owners and making money while doing it then i challenge you to partner up with a TOP LEADER in the company.

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